Bot Commands

BoT Commands

Images Commands

All Commands With Prefix g!

affect, avatarfusion, beautiful, blur, captcha, changemymind, criminal, deepfry, delete, dogfact, eject, facepalm, fire, gay, jail, meeting, minecraft, mission, phcomment, rip, scary, spank, thomas, tobecontinued, toilet, trash, waifu, whatsapp

Fun Commands

All Commands With Prefix g!

8ball, advice, ascii, binary, catsay, clyde, coinflip, comment, connectfour, cowsay, decode, embedsay, emojify, fact, fliptext, github, hack, howgay, kill, love-calculator, meme, roast, say, snipe, status, tts, urbandictionary, weather, zalgo

Moderator Commands

All Commands With Prefix g!

ban, deafen, hackban, kick, lock, lockdown, mute, purge, resetwarns, roleadd, roledel, setnick, setverification, show-warns, slowmode, tempban, unban, undeafen, unlock, unmute, vcmove, verify, warn

Utility Commands

All Commands With Prefix g!

calculate, help, invite, issue, ping, poll, removeafk, setafk, soundboard, translate, uptime, vote, ytsearch

Info Commands

All Commands With Prefix g!

anime, avatar, botinfo, channelinfo, country, covidhelp, djsdocs, invites, movie, playstore, roleinfo, rolememberinfo, screenshot, serveravatar, serverinfo, twitter, whois, wikipedia

Economy Commands

All Commands With Prefix g!

balance, beg, buy, daily, deposit, fish, leaderboard, pay, profile, rob, roulette, sell, setbackground, setinfo, slots, store, weekly, withdraw, work
addmoney and removemoney
But Only For Owners

Gif Commands

All Commands With Prefix g!

baka, feed, gif, hug, kiss, patanime, pet, poke, slap, smug, tickle, trigger, wink

Gif Commands

All Commands With Prefix m!

play, stop, skip, pause, resume, lyrics, nowplaying, loop, playlist, move, prunning, remove, queue, search, shuffle, skipto, volume